Rhodesian Ridgebacks "Giasy & Colt"

Caprivi Lock ´N Load

aka "Colt"

Colt´s Profile


"Colt" landed at 07th December 2012 from South Australia in Frankfurt. Initially a bit shy and cautious, he has now settled in well and goes great with his "adoptive brother" Giasy.
He has already visited one or the other issue, and shows more confident with each passing day.

Colt is a very friendly dog who love to cuddle with his trusted men, and sometimes even crawling on his lap. Other males over he is very friendly. His nature is balanced and calm, as it is known by the Australians. It is planned to use him for breeding, but for this he still needs some time before "arriving" and therefore we have to firstonce, tackling everything calmly.

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Nadine Passmann  Lärzer Str. 14  49594 Alfhausen